Burning brotherhood
Here is the plan...
Create a space where elite men can express themselves authentically.
A space where elite men can support each other with their unique life experiences.
Absolutely no judgement, still, filled with accountability and truth.
Core Values

To discover and be who you really are.
Full Aligment of "Think, Feel, Do"

Willingness to identify and declare war against the real enemies.
(Distraction, dishonesty, temptations, shame, mediocrity, victimhood, ingratitude)

To answer the call against stagnation and blind repetition of unpurposeful actions.
To be held accountable by your brothers as well.

To connect daily with a source of a higher power.
Whatever name you use for it.
Remember the infinite.

The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved . Purposefully creating the life you want and deserve.
"Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man’s survival."
It's that simple.
Being part of a brotherhood will empower us to navigate life's challenges filled with passion and purpose.
Reminding us that real power comes from the inside!
Belonging in the brotherhood in the first step into belonging in within yourself and therefore living fulfilling lives.
The result?
Become the leader in within ourselves, our body, our mind, our spirit, our families and our businesses.
Im done waiting...
Not once i've had a phone call with a brother and didn't leave that call inspired and filled with clarity.
Undoubtedly the most valuable experiences in my jiu-jitsu life were the conversations and interactions I had with mens I've met throughout the world.
But for some reason, I waited for them to happen organically.
For some reason, I only call my brothers when its too late and I'm on the point of despair and self-destruction.
I call them only...
After I lost my temper with my wife and the word divorce is being said.
After I get angry and frustrated with my financial situation.
After I waited so long to reconnect myself spiritually, that I am hopeless and depressed, filled with dark thoughts.
​That is when I pick up the phone and hope that someone will answer to remind me of what I forgot.
What if we stop waiting to support each other?
What if I knew that my brothers were watching and battling with me?
What if I could share what I am good at and learn from others where I am not?
What if I had a place to speak what is in my mind without being judged?
(Sometimes that is all we need, to speak out-loud in a safe container and to be called out if necessary.)
I feel pain. I hurt.
I too struggle with my fear, doubt, shame, resentment...
In all areas of life. Intermittently.
And im done waiting,
Waiting for my new stripes on my black belt.
Waiting to become a millionaire.
Waiting to become recognized at my work.
Waiting for my marriage to become perfect.
So then I will belong to a brotherhood and my fellow brothers will unite...
As a matter of fact...
I really believe that when we unite, we will more likely achieve our goals, and not the other way around.
So this is it:
I cannot afford LUCK to bring me closer to value driven individuals anymore.
I am done hoping that I will stay centered 100% of the time with no support...
and worse...
To over rely on my wife and daughter to align me back with myself.
We talk more inside the group...
Ok, I will go first.
Here is how...

Burning Brotherhood (8 Participants)
Every month
Become your own master amongst willing and truthful man.
Valid until canceled
2x Group Calls per month.
Private Message Group (Unlimited)
Private Message with Members
Private Message with Mentor (Slow Response)
Private Calls with Members (Unlimited)

Best Value
Burning Brotherhood (Premium)
Every month
Walk together until you can walk alone.
Valid until canceled
1x Private Call per month (W/ Evandro)
2x Group Calls per month
Private Message with Members
Private Message with Group
Private Message with Mentor (Fast Response)
Private Calls with Members (Unlimited)
Monday, June 19th 2023
First call will be right after Father's Day.
(You deserve it)
What Time?
To be agreed amongst members based on timezone and availability.
How long each call?
Between 1h ~ 1h 30m
Its your turn!!
You stand now at the Gate of Choices.
I am waiting for you on the other side.
Click below, reserve your spot and fill out the questionnaire.
Once accepted you will be given further instructions.
Because this will be the first group...
Im offering 30% discount on the Initiation fee.
So, until spots are available, instead of $1000...
You will secure your spot with a One Time Initiation Fee of $700
Use code "belong" at checkout.
If, after submitting your questionnaire, you don't get accepted because your values are not a match for the brotherhood
If there is no more spots available,
Expect a Full Refund of your Initiation Fee.

What is next?
Any Questions?
E-mail me and let's talk!